Communication System Specialists
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Quality Fleet Management Solutions

On-Campus Solutions
Many clients wish to incorporate all of their communication needs into a single radio system. Mobiletech designs customized on-campus solutions to meet the needs of all departments within the organization.
Our systems allow Administration, Buildings & Grounds, Transportation, Security, etc. to each have private channels for their daily operations while still allowing everyone to communicate with each other when necessary.
Whether you have a single building, multiple buildings on a single campus, or facilities scattered throughout your district, we can provide seamless communication between all of your personnel. This can greatly improve the efficiency of daily operations and aid in disaster/emergency situations providing interoperability with all radios when required.
Custom on-campus radio solutions
that keep you connected
for better safety & security.
At Mobiletech Communications, our team of experts will work with your
Administrative Team to create a “state-of-the-art” communications system that will enhance your District’s safety, security, and connectivity by:
Designing custom-built infrastructure to address the unique, specific needsof your District’s Communication System.
Eliminating “dead zones” within school buildings to provide clear, consistent, and dependable communications, 24/7.
Creating seamless communications among individual school buildings, the busdispatcher, the Transportation Supervisors, and the District Office.
Providing redundancy of access between individual school buildings, district offices, and transportation department, so that your ability to communicate will not be compromised, even if one of the buildings has a power outage, fire, etc.
Enabling District Administration the ability to create various “channels” on individual radios in order to establish sub-group communications (e.g. “Admin” channel, “Aide” channel, “Emergency” channel, etc.,) thereby providing varied levels of access.
Complete district-wide communications systems
Local School Building Communication
Provides communication for daily operations within and around buildings
Private channels for each facility
No interference between different locations
District-wide communication
Communicate with facilities at remote locations
Administration/Faciliy/Emergency communication that requires contacting personnel at all buildings
Mobiletech's Wide-Area Network
Wide-area communication for transportation operations
- Supports real-time GPS tracking, stop reporting, and status messaging